Can you help identify biothreats in real time? Submit a concept by 12/4/17!
Today the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), in collaboration with the Office of Health Affairs National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC), launched the $300,000 Hidden Signals Challenge. The Challenge calls upon data innovators to develop concepts for novel uses of existing data that will identify signals and achieve timelier alerts for biothreats in our cities and communities.
Interested in entering? Those interested in participating in the Challenge should submit their concept by 4:59 PM ET, Monday, December 4, 2017. The judges will evaluate the submissions and select up to five Finalists to advance to Stage 2. Stage 1 Finalists will receive $20,000 in seed money to further develop concepts into detailed system designs in Stage 2.
To learn more, join our informational webinar on November 1, 2017 at 2:00 PM ET. During the webinar, we will give an in-depth overview of the Challenge, cover Stage 1 & Stage 2, and conduct a live Q&A. RSVP today!
Look for updates about the Challenge on S&T’s Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn pages using #HiddenSignals.
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